
The Physiq treats muscle toning and fat burning all in the same session. This non-invasive treatment will leave clients feeling toned and lean all in one.

Procedure Description

The Physiq treats muscle toning and fat burning all in the same session. It uses STEM (sequential Thermal and electronic pulse) to burn fat while building muscle. It uses elctic muscle stimulation to contact and build muscle while incorporating deep heating targeting the tissue and burning fat cells. Over time clients will notice more lean and muscular physique in the areas being treated. This treatment works best on the abdomen, flanks, buttocks, thighs, and arms.

Procedure Time

About 30-45 minutes

What it Treats

No related concerns found.

Recovery Time & Side Effects

The Physiq body contouring treatment is generally painless. Some individuals might experience mild discomfort during the muscle toning phase. As the fat-burning process occurs, you should primarily feel a warm sensation. Following the treatment, clients might feel a slight soreness; we advise them to head home and continue massaging the treated areas to enhance lymphatic drainage. The ideal number of sessions varies for each individual, but it’s recommended to undergo the treatment in the targeted area 3-5 times for optimal results.


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